
The Borgo di Sempronio is in Tuscany in a small village called Semproniano.

Semproniano is the southernmost of the villages of Mount Amiata, the door of the volcano for those arriving from the south, from Saturnia and its spring water, through the Aurelia.

The story of Semproniano is an ancient story, born in the period of the Roman Republic, when the family of the tribune of the plebs Tiberio Sempronio Gracco, escaped from Rome following the conspiracy against Muzio Scevola, founded in this rugged spur of travertine, the first residential unit, Casale Simpronianum, named after the heroic patriarch.

Around the year 1000 were the Aldobrandeschi, noble family of Lombard origin, to guide the fate of Semproniano, giving him in part the architectural genesis still visible in some important monuments such as parts of the walls and the overhanging fortress on the top of the hill, the church of Santa Croce, the Pieve of Saints Vincenzo and Anastasio, the Town Hall.

In the course of the centuries the town lived various events that saw it involved in the clashes between the regents Aldobrandeschi and the Orsini, rival lords of the nearby county of Sovana.

Towards the middle of the fourteenth century the town subdued to Siena, thus remaining in the territory of the Republic until the sixteenth century, when it was temporarily conquered by the Spanish before finally entering the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

A long period of abandonment and decay followed, so much so that the center was later incorporated for a long time in the nearby Municipality of Roccalbegna, until becoming autonomous on January 29, 1963.

Semproniano boasts, even if in alternate phases, a noble past made famous by illustrious personalities such as its founder, Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, whose figure is linked to the important agrarian law, as the first great reform in defense of the plebs, and by the knights of the Templar Order who lived in these lands leaving important testimonies, made of deeds and deeds covered by an aura of legend and mystery.